What to expect if you date an Aries
Geplaatst op 31-01-2025
Categorie: Lifestyle
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GOOD THINGS: entertaining; fashionable; charming; sexy; witty; adventurous; into kinky sex positions; makes bold statements such as “this is the best cupcake I’ve ever eaten my life”; creates drama in a room to “stir things up”; loyal; fun; smart; bold
BAD THINGS: self-involved; vain; large debt from fashion sprees; inability to commit to a long-term relationship; ability to commit to long-term one night stands; obsessed with their own image (in the mirror, or in society); hard to control or manage; may be more obsessed with making money than with making a family.
DATE THEM IF YOU: just love being with the bad boy/girl who turns you on and makes you feel special; don’t like being bored in a relationship and need someone who will keep you on your toes; want a partner who challenges you; need to sharpen your flirting skills and bedroom repertoire.
THE LOWDOWN: We all know an Aries, or 2 or 3, in our lives. They are fashionable, artistic, opinionated, charming, and they have probably slept with every one of your friends (or at least tried to). What’s more is that they are able to pull it off with smooth talking excuses and witty (and overtly sexual) sense of humor. “Who me? Well, I slept with (your best friend) because I just felt he/she needed to feel special for the evening. Don’t worry…you are special, too! How about dinner, tonight, just the two of us?” And after a wink and long glance at your nether regions, you suddenly find yourself making plans with Mr. (or Mrs.) Fashionably Cocky.
You might read this and think “Ew, Aries sound slimy,” but the fact is, they pull it off with a finesse that would make Warren Beatty jealous in his heyday. Oh wait. Warren Beatty IS an Aries. OK, how about with a finesse that would make infamous playboy Hugh Hefner jealous? Damn. Aries, too. Alec Baldwin? Russell Crowe? Vince Vaughn? Wait for it…yep, they are all Aries men. I bet you all have a shit grin thinking of all those fun loving, sexy, and charming men right now. And you should. That is the allure of the Aries. Smart, fun, creative, and inventive (in the bedroom AND out), an Aries will never bore you. Aries women are the same deal.
But before I put Aries into a fashionable porn star box, let’s not get it twisted. Aries are incredibly loyal to their friends and family, brilliant at sales/commission based jobs (they love the competition), strongly opinionated and intelligent, and incredibly creative in whatever endeavor they choose to pursue. They fight for what they believe in and aren’t strangers to politics and promoting some sort of reform (social, environmental, or otherwise). While their whoring around can make them infamous, once these playboys/playgirls settle down, they tend to stay true to their beloved. After all, they have played the field and know when they have hit a home run in the love department.